Sunday, August 31, 2008
Is Wife Priceless ?
children outside, still in their pajamas,
playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and
wrappers strewn all around the front yard.
The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog.
Proceeding into the entry, he found an even
bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing.
In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door.
He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over
toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she might be ill, or that something serious had happened. He was met with a small trickle of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls.
As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went.
He looked at her bewildered and asked, "What happened here today?"
She again smiled and answered, "You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world did I do today?"
"Yes," was his incredulous reply.
She answered, "Well, today I didn't do it."
Priceless , isn't it?
Why do we have problems in our lives?
"He cannot be questioned for His acts, but they will be questioned (for theirs)".
However, some of the reasons may be as follows. And Allaah knows best.
1) Through calamities, Allah tests the Believers:
a)Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: We believe, - and will not be tested. And We indeed tested those who were before them. [al-Ankaboot:2]
b)Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, When (will come) the Help of Allah? Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near! [al-Baqarah:214]
2) Through calamities, Allah forgives sins and raises our status:
The Prophet (pbuh - peace be upon him) said: There is nothing that befalls a believer, not even a thorn that pricks him, but Allah will record one good deed for him and will remove one bad deed from him. (Muslim).
Also, he (pbuh) said: Trials will continue to befall the believing man and woman, with regard to themselves, their children and their wealth, until they meet Allah with no sin on them. (Tirmidhi- Saheeh)
3) Through calamities, Allah distinguishes between people:
By testing us, Allah filters the pure from the evil, the good from the bad, the true from the false, the believer from the hypocrite.
a)Allah will not leave the believers in the state in which you are now, until He distinguishes the wicked from the good [Aal Imraan:179]
b)And Allaah will certainly make known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allaah knows all that before putting them to test) [al-Ankaboot:3]
4) Through disasters, Allah warns us & reminds us so we may return to Him:
This is one of the greatest reasons behind calamities and trials, that Allah warns us to correct our mistakes and mend our ways. If we do so, it is good only for us. If we dont pay heed, surely, only WE are the losers.
a)Verily, We sent (Messengers) to many nations before you (O Muhammad). And We seized them with extreme poverty and loss in health (with calamities) so that they might humble themselves (believe with humility).[Anaam :42]
b)See they not that they are put in trial once or twice every year (with different kinds of calamities, disease, famine)? Yet, they turn not in repentance, nor do they learn a lesson (from it) [al-Tawbah:126]
5) Calamities and disasters strike because of our sins:
And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much [al-Shoora:30]
6) Disasters and calamities are a means of punishment:
And indeed, We destroyed generations before you when they did wrong, while their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, but they were not such as to believe! Thus do We requite the people who are Mujrimoon (criminals) [Yoonus:13]
7) If one is patient, they are also a means of great reward in the Hereafter:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: On the Day of Resurrection, when people who had suffered affliction are given their reward, those who were healthy will wish their skins had been cut to pieces with scissors when they were in the world (when they see the great REWARD for suffering) (Tirmidhi- Saheeh)
8) Disasters and calamities are reminders that the world is only temporary:
If the world were free of calamities, man would love it more and feel content with it, and would forget about the Hereafter. But calamities wake him up from his negligence and make him strive for the place (al-Jannah) in which there are NO calamities or trials.
9) Calamities and trials remind us that we are SO weak:
Problems and disasters are a sign of man's weakness and his need for his Lord. Man cannot succeed unless he realizes his need for his Lord and starts beseeching Him.
10) Worship during hard times has a special favor and a special reward:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: Worshipping at times of tribulation and confusion is like migrating to join me. (Muslim)
11) Calamities make a person appreciate the blessings he has from Allah:
Blessings that come after pain, hardship and calamity are more precious to people. So then they appreciate the blessings as they should be appreciated, and thank Allah.
If things are always easy, a person may forget all the blessing given to him By Allah and not be grateful for it, so Allaah tests him by taking some of them away , as a reminder to him to be grateful for it. And, only the one whose heart is open will feel this. Those who have no heart do not give thanks for the blessings of Allah, rather they are arrogant towards Allah and His creation.
12) When Muslims help those Muslims who have been afflicted by calamity, they will be rewarded for that:
The Prophet (pbuh) said: The likeness of the believers in their mutual love, mercy and compassion is that of the body; when one part of it suffers, the rest of the body joins it in staying awake and suffering fever. (Bukhaari, Muslim)
Istighfar: Seeking Forgiveness from Allah
"O Allah! Make me among those who, when they commit an act of virtue, feel good, and when they commit a mistake, they seek forgiveness." [Ibn Majah]
Tauba (repentance) and istighfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah) are among the most meritorious acts of virtue for the believers. Tauba means feeling remorse for our actions or omissions. Istighfar means expressing that remorse in words and begging Allah for forgiveness.
The act for which we perform tauba and istighfar is not necessarily a sin, or an act of disobedience to Allah; it also includes our shortcomings. As we realize Allah's immense favors to us, all of our thankfulness and devotion clearly appears to be inadequate. As we realize the grandeur of Allah, Most High, our acts of worship and obedience clearly are seen to be insufficient. The higher a person is on the scale of taqwa, piety and God consciousness, the greater is this sense of inadequacy. Consequently the greater is his practice of istighfar.
That is why all the prophets, alayhimu salam, preached and practices tauba and istighfar. We do not have to invent any sins---inherited or personal--- to explain their repentance. In fact all the prophets were free of sin, as Allah appointed them as role models for humanity and Allah did not send defective role models.
The leader of all the prophets was Prophet Muhammad a fact which was also symbolized in his leading of all the prophets in Salat (prayer) in Jerusalem during Isra. And what did the prayer leader of the prophets use to do after every prayer? He used to say "astaghfirullah" (I seek Allah's forgiveness) three times! This is the istighfar that comes out of the highest level of God consciousness! He taught us to perform istighfar profusely, as he himself practiced. The Companions have reported that he used to do istighfar hundreds of times during the course of a day.
Istighfar is also a means of enhancing that consciousness of Allah and strengthening our relationship with Him. We turn to no one except Allah in repentance. We confess our deepest errors, shortcomings, failures, and sins to Him and Him alone. (In contrast, Christianity made a fatal mistake when it instituted confession to priests. As Martin Luther (1537) observed, "What torture, rascality, and idolatry such confession has produced is more than can be related.") We seek His forgiveness, knowing that He alone has knowledge about all our deeds and thoughts and He alone can forgive us and save us from the consequences of our actions. Istighfar, thus, is a most intimate conversation with Allah. And during that conversation we are at our humblest. We can see why tauba and istighfar are the essence of our servitude and submission to Allah!
We need istighfar to constantly purify and cleanse our heart. We are not born in sin, but we are born in weakness. We are prone to fall prey to the many temptations that are part of our test in this life. And when we do fall and commit a sin, it produces a dark spot in our heart. A famous hadith, reported by Abu Huraira, Radi-Allahu unhu, describes this process. When a person shows remorse and repents, that dark spot is removed. Otherwise it will stay there and grow with each additional sin. A time may come when his heart is full of darkness because of un-repented sins. We can see this gradual darkness of the heart as people advance in their sinful behavior. In the beginning they have a lot of inhibitions. They commit the wrong hesitatingly and feel bad about it. If they do not turn back, they get used to it, so it just feels normal. Then a stage comes when vice becomes virtue and virtue vice. They defend and advocate evil and shun good.
Today, unfortunately, we see so many examples of this all around us. In the "everything goes" post-modern world, good and evil do not mean anything anymore. Then there is a whole crop of misguided psychologists who are ready to assure you that the only guilt you should feel is for feeling guilty in the first place! Is it any wonder that in the English language the word sin is now normally used to describe things that are delicious, attractive, fun, and highly desirable? That this darkness of the heart should be considered enlightenment only completes the inversion.
But there is hope for those who seek hope. No matter how corrupt we might have become, we can always make a U-turn. We can repent and seek forgiveness from our Beneficent and Merciful Creator Who is always ready to forgive those who turn to Him in sincerity. "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah. For Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." [Az-Zumr, 39:53] Further a hadith declares: "When a person has repented from a sin, it is as if he had never committed that sin."
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has taught us many words of repentance and it is good if we learn, understand, and use them. Of these one has been mentioned as syedul-istighfar. A hadith explains its extra ordinary significance: "If a believer says this with complete faith and sincerity in the morning and dies before that evening, he will enter paradise. If he says it during the night and dies before the morning, he will enter paradise." This powerful dua is our daily pledge of allegiance. We will do well to memorize it in Arabic and never let a day or night go by without saying it with full consciousness: "O Allah! You are my Lord. There is no God except You. You created me and I am Your slave. To the best of my ability, I will abide by my covenant and pledge to You. I seek Your protection from the evil of my own creation. I acknowledge Your favors to me and I admit my sins. So please forgive me for no one can forgive sins except You."
Best Interview
One of the best interviews!!!
Interviewer: Tell me about yourself.
Candidate: I am SAMEER GUPTA. I did my Tele Communication engineering from
BabanRao Dhole-Patil Institute of Technology.
Interviewer: BabanRao Dhole-Patil Institute of Technology? I had never heard
Of this college before!
Candidate: Great! Even I had not heard of it before getting an admission
Into it . What happened is - due to cricket world cup I scored badly! In 12th.I
Was getting a paid seat in a good college. But my father said (I prefer to
Call him 'baap') - "I can not invest so much of money".(The baap actually said
- "I will never waste so much of money on you"). So I had to join this
College. Frankly speaking this name - BabanRao Dhole-Patil, can at the most be
Related to a Shetakari Mahavidyalaya.
Interviewer: ok, ok. It seems you have taken 6 years to complete your
Candidate: Actually I tried my best to finish it in 4 years. But you
Know, these cricket matches and football world cup, and tennis
Tournaments. It is difficult to concentrate. So I flunked in 2nd and
3rd year. So in all I took 4 + 2 = 7 years.
Interviewer: But 4+2 is 6.
Candidate: Oh, is it? You know I always had KT in maths. But I will try
To keep this in mind. 4+2 is 6, good, thanks. These cricket matches
Really affect exams a lot. I think they should ban it.
Interviewer: Good to know that you want cricket matches to be banned.
Candidate: No, no... I am talking about Exams!!
Interviewer: Ok, What is your biggest achievement in life?
Candidate: Obviously, completing my Engineering. My mom never thought I
Would complete it. In fact, when I flunked in 3rd year, she was looking for a job
For me in BEST (Bus corporation in Maharashtra) through some relative.
Interviewer: Do you have any plans of higher study?
Candidate: he he he.. Are you kidding? Completing 'lower' education
Itself was so much of pain!!
Interviewer: Let's talk about technical stuff. On which platforms have
You worked?
Candidate: Well, I work at SEEPZ, so you can say Andheri is my current
Platform. Earlier I was at Vashi center. So Vashi was my platform then. As you can
See I have experience of different platforms! (Vashi and Andheri are the
Places in Mumbai)
Interviewer: And which languages have you used?
Candidate: Marathi, Hindi, English. By the way, I can keep quiet in
German, French, Russian and many other languages.
Interviewer: Why VC is better than VB?
Candidate: It is a common sense - C comes after B. So VC is a higher
Version than VB. I heard very soon they are coming up with a new
Language VD!
Interviewer: Do you know anything about Assembly Language?
Candidate: Well, I have not heard of it. But I guess, this is the
Language our ministers and MPs use in assembly.
Interviewer: What is your general project experience?
Candidate: My general experience about projects is - most of the times
They are in pipeline!
Interviewer: Can you tell me about your current job?
Candidate: Sure, Currently I am working for Bata InfoTech Ltd. Since
Joining BIL, I am on Bench. Before joining BIL, I used to think that
Bench was another software like Windows.
Interviewer: Do you have any project management experience?
Candidate: No, but I guess it shouldn't be difficult. I know Word and
Excel. I can talk a lot. I know how to dial for International phone call
And use speaker facility. And very important - I know few words like -
'Showstoppers ' , 'hotfixes',
'SEI-CMM','quality','versioncontrol','deadlines' , 'Customer
Satisfaction' etc. Also I can blame others for my mistakes!
Interviewer: What are your expectations from our company?
Candidate: Not much.
1. I should at least get 40,000 in hand.
2. I would like to work on a live EJB project. But it should not have
Deadlines. I personally feel that pressure affects natural talent.
3. I believe in flexi-timings.
4. Dress code is against basic freedom, so I
Would like to wear t-shirt and jeans.
5. We must have sat-sun off. I will suggest Wednesday off also, so as to
Avoid breakdown due to overwork.
6. I would like to go abroad 3 times a year on short term
preferably 2-4 months) assignments. Personally I prefer US, Australia and
Europe. But considering the fact that there is a world cup in West Indies in
2007, I don't mind going there in that period. As you can see I am modest and
don't have many expectations. So can I assume my selection?
Interviewer: he he he ha ha ha. Thanks for your interest in our
organization. In fact I was never entertained so much before. Welcome to
INFOSYS .. :-))
No intention to offend anybody..
Friday, August 29, 2008
Kalki Autar
Pundit Vaid Parkash is a Brahman Hindu and a well known Sanskrit scholar and research workder. Pundit Vaid Parkash, after a great deal of toil and hard-work, presented the work to as many as eight great Pundits who are themselves very well known in the field of research in India, and are amongst the learned religious leaders.
Their Pundits, after thorough study of the book, have acknowledged this to be true and authentic research work. Important religious books of India mention the guide and prophet by the specific name of "Kalki Autar" it denotes the great man Muhammed (saw) who was born in Makkah. Hence, all Hindus where-ever they may be, should wait no longer for any other 'kalki autar' but to embrace Islam and follow in the footsteps of the last Messenger of Allah (swt) who was sent in the world about fourteen hundred years ago with a mission from Him and after accmplishing it has long ago departed this world.
As an argument to prove the authenticity of his research, Pundit Vaid Parkash quotes from the Veda, a sacred book among Hindus:
1. Veda mentions that 'kalki autar' will be the last Messenger / Prophet of Bhagwan (Allah) to guide the whole world. Afer quoting this reference the Pundit Parkash says that this comes true only in the case of Muhammed (saw).
2. According to a prophecy of Hinduism, 'kalki autar' will be born in an island and that is the Arab territory which is known as 'jazeeratul Arab'.
3. In the 'sacred' book of Hindus the father's name of 'kalki autar' is mentioned as 'Vishnu Bhagat' and his mother's name as 'somanib'. In sanskrit, 'vishnu' stands for Allah (swt) and the literal meaning of 'bhagat' is slave. 'Vishnu Bhagat' therefore, in the Arabic language will mean Allah's slave (Abdullah). 'Somanib' in Sanskrit means peace and tranquilty which in arabic is denoted by the word 'Amina'. Whereas the last Messenger Muhammed's (saw) father and mother's names were Abdullah and Amina respectively.
4. In the big books of Hindus, it is mentioned that 'kalki autar' will live on olive and dates and he will be true to his words and honest. In this regard Pundit Parkash writes, "This is true and established only in the case of Muhammed (saw)".
5. Veda mentions that 'kalki autar' will be born in the respected and noble dynasty of his land. And this is also true as regards Muhammed (saw) as he was born in the respected tribe of Quraish who enjoyed great respect adn high place in Makkah.
6. 'Kalki Autar' will be taught in the cave by Bhagwan through his own messenger. And it is very true in this matter. Muhammed (saw) was theonly one person in Makkah who has taught by Allah's Messenger Gabriel in the cave of Hira.
7. It is written in the books which Hindus believe that Bhagwan will provide 'Kalki autar' with the fastest of a horse and with the help of which he will ride around the world and the seven skies/heavens. The riding on 'Buraq' and 'Meraj' by the Prophet Muhammed (saw) proves what?
8. It is also written in the Hindus' books that 'kalki autar' will be strengthened and heavily helped by Bhagwan. And we know this fact that Muhammed (saw) was aided and reinforced by Allah (swt) through His angels in the battle of Badr.
9. Hindus' books also mention that 'kalki autar' will be an expert in horse riding, arrow shooting, and swordsmanship. What Pundit Vaid Parkash comments in this regard is very important and worth attention and consideration. He writes that the age of horses, swords, and spears is long ago gone and now is the age of modern weapons like tanks, missiles, and guns, and therefore it will be unwise to wait for 'kalki autar' bearing sword and arrows or spears. In reality, the mention in our books of 'kalki autar' is clearly indicative of Muhammed (saw) who was given the heavenly book known as Al-Qur'an.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Google competitor CUIL.COM arrived...
I don't think so that they can beat Google easily.
All information about this Search Engine is available in details at the following link
Carbohydrates Chart
Please use this chart only as a guide, and consult your physician for advice if you have any
dietary-related illnesses, such as diabetes or heart disease. If you have medical reasons for needing a carbohydrates chart, I suggest several excellent books at the bottom of the page. I've
included fiber, in grams, along with the carbohydrates in this chart because fiber is so important to your health. You'll quickly note that only the most basic information is given - beans, for instance, can be cooked and processed in hundreds of ways. For the interest of space and maximum usefulness, only a few types of beans are included in the carbohydrates chart. Please use this, a I stated before, as a general guide. If you really need a comprehensive resource, check out one of the excellent books at the bottom of the page.
Carbohydrates Chart - A
Carbohydrates Chart - B
Carbohydrates Chart - C
Carbohydrates Chart - D, E, F
Carbohydrates Chart - G
Carbohydrates Chart - H, I, J, K
Carbohydrates Chart - L
Carbohydrates Chart - M
Carbohydrates Chart - N, O
Carbohydrates Chart - P
Carbohydrates Chart - Q, R
Carbohydrates Chart - S
Carbohydrates Chart - T
Carbohydrates Chart - V - Z
And will provide for
him whence he expects not. And he who puts his trust in Allah - He is sufficient
for him. Verily, Allah is to fulfil His work. Undoubtedly, Allah has kept a
measure for every thing.
Surah At-Talaq :3